Wednesday, 12 November 2014

My experience here!

Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about my experience learning English at university. Probably this is my last post in this blog because this is the last level here in the university L but well…

My experience here was really productive I think. A chance to practice everything that I learned in level 3 and in the school. Besides I used this class to keep my mind busy, in another world (in FACSO every day you have to read a lot of things so a little bit of time doping something else it is always a blessing.)

I need to improve a lot of things of my vocabulary and grammar, especially things like Past perfect, past perfect continues and al the verbal times.  I have in mind the idea to enter in another class of English outside the university or something like that.

The experience with the blog in general was really helpful and cool but not new.  The first semester I understand how to create a blog and how to write in it. In this class (English lesson level 4) I tried to improve a little bit more my vocabulary and grammar. Also I felt very important, like a celebrity with a lot of followers when I was writing in my blog. I always thought “Oh, a lot of people will read this; I have to make my best effort!” I hope all of this seems reflected on my posts. Besides I really enjoyed reading my classmates posts, their reflections and critical thinking.  On the other hand, I can say I improve my writing skills (well… I don’t know, but I feel I have developed a lot of abilities that I haven’t before). Furthermore I wrote about a lot of things that I didn’t before, so it was a motivation.

These days I’m using my English to read scientific papers and play video games. The first thing because is for the university and the second … well, for playing.

That is all! Thanks for everything!

Goodbye J

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


It’s difficult to evaluate this year, because if you ask me today my 2014 is a year really bittersweet.  First I will talk about situations that did not go so well this year and then, to close this topic with some kind of hope I will talk about the good things.

Most of my time that I expend here in the university is relate to academic responsibilities or things like that so my experience is almost limited to that space. I’m really tired and a little bit upset.  I have a lot of things to do but I don’t have time and motivation.  I think I’m not happy at all with this career and I have problems with my future plans. Also, this year was awful for my health, with a lot of accidents and different illness (at least I didn’t catch the Ebola virus).  My best friend is now in the United States (I really miss her, but I’m happy for her) and I haven’t see her boyfriend in a long time (he is my friend too). My family is not having a good time either; we have a lot of problems, and especially in the part of health… bad news I can say L and the relation between us it is getting worse. I can’t do anything because university demands a lot of time, so every day I arrive home late.

However, if we talk about the good experiences, I can say this year I met wonderful people always trying to cheer my up. I did a lot of things that I never had done before, cool things! My birthday was amazing and I really enjoy my trip to Punta Arenas in summer.

In academic results I can say it has been a productive year with good achievements (besides of my vocational crisis) and I have a wonderful boyfriend and friends who are always with me when I really need them.

Well, I need to do some sport this year, I would like to swimming or skating J I haven’t done that yet…

So that is all
